This Privacy Policy outlines how your personal information is gathered, utilized, and shared when you visit (referred to as the "Site") or make a purchase on the site.


We collect various data, including your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, and credit card information when you place an order, save your information with us, or engage in contests, promotions, or surveys. We also maintain records of your product preferences and both online and in-store purchases. Your information is only shared with third parties when necessary to fulfill your order.


When you make an online purchase from Backdrop Choice INC., your information is used to process your order. We'll send you order confirmation emails and may contact you through phone, postal mail, or email for further inquiries. Additionally, you'll automatically receive email updates about our products, services, contests, and promotions.

Saving your information with Backdrop Choice INC. also subscribes you to receive email updates. When participating in contests or promotions, you have the option to choose whether to receive email updates concerning our products, services, contests, and promotions.

If you wish to be removed from our email or postal mailing lists, please contact our customer service at, ensuring you include your full name and relevant details. If you've previously requested removal from our email list, we won't re-add you when you make an online purchase. Please note that it may take up to eight weeks to process your removal request.

Occasionally, we may send you emails to understand your shopping preferences better. We may also use your product interests and purchase history to enhance our website's design and your shopping experience. When you make an online or phone purchase, you might receive notifications about our products, services, contests, and promotions through postal mail.

To provide you with improved service, we may combine your online and in-store information with your product preferences and purchases. We may also merge your data with publicly available demographic information. This combined information is used to enhance and personalize your shopping experience and communicate with you via email or postal mail regarding products, services, contests, and promotions that align with your interests. If you prefer we not use your data in this manner, please contact Backdrop Choice INC. service by emailing


We collaborate with third parties to assist us in managing customer information for promotional purposes and customer communication. These third parties are not authorized to use your information for other purposes.

Additionally, when we partner with other companies to offer products, services, contests, or promotions, we may cross-reference our customer databases to identify common customers. We and the partnering company may use this shared information to identify future promotional opportunities and fulfill promotional 
or contractual obligations. In contests and promotions, participants may be required to provide personal information, which may be used by us and the partnering company to notify winners or fulfill promotional obligations.

If you previously opted not to receive information from us before participating in a contest or promotion, you may still receive information from or about Backdrop Choice INC. if you choose to participate. You can choose not to participate in these contests or promotions if you don't want to receive information about Backdrop Choice INC. or share your information with us and the other companies involved.

We may also share aggregate, non-personally identifiable information about you, such as age, gender, and types of products purchased, with our business partners to fulfill our contractual obligations. Except for the situations described above, we do not share, rent, or sell any information collected online to unaffiliated third parties.


To access your information online, simply click the "ACCOUNT" link to sign in and select the appropriate section to review, edit, or delete your personal information. Please note that any requests to change the frequency of email updates may take up to eight weeks.


If you want to be removed from our email or postal mailing lists or prefer not to have your information used to enhance your shopping experience, please don't hesitate to contact Backdrop Choice INC. customer service via email at Ensure you include your email address and full name in your request.

Removal requests may take six to eight weeks to take effect. When you request removal from our email or postal mailing lists, we will retain your information in a "do not mail" file to honor your request. Please be aware that when you make a purchase, we will send an email to confirm your order and may need to contact you by phone, postal mail, or email if we have further questions about your order.


At Backdrop Choice INC., we prioritize children's online safety. In compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, we will never intentionally seek personally identifiable information from individuals under the age of 13 without verifiable parental consent.

If we discover that a subscriber under the age of 13 has signed up without prior verifiable parental consent, we will remove their personally identifiable information from our records.


A cookie is a small data file frequently stored on your computer's hard drive when you visit websites. A cookie may contain information, like a unique user ID, used to track the pages you've visited. While we use cookies, we do not store personally identifiable information in your cookies.

We employ cookies to enhance your shopping experience. When you visit Backdrop Choice INC., your cookie helps us track your order as you shop on our site. If you've saved your information with us, your cookie recognizes you upon your return to our site and provides access to your account information. If you've saved your information with us or placed an order, we also use cookies to monitor and maintain information about your site usage. If you haven't saved your information with us or ordered from us, we may still monitor and maintain information about your site usage without identifying you. This information helps us serve you better by improving our site design, products, services, contests, and promotions.

We also use cookies to track and identify the website you visited just before ours to further improve our site design and fulfill contracts with our business partners. We do not track any other information about your use of other websites.

You have the option to decline cookies by disabling them in your browser. However, disabling cookies means we won't be able to track your order or allow you to make a purchase from our site. It also means we won't recognize you as a registered user to provide access to your account information.